If your aim is to create a strong proficiency in coffee and coffee shops and build your life around it maybe you can make more complete your coffee courses with a period of study/work in Italy, the country that has really created an unique approach to coffee.
Espresso Academy, in collaboration with ScuolaToscana, offers the possibility to continue your preparation after the coffee courses with an internship in an Italian coffee shop, working with clients, in the fast flow of the Italian long counter and preparing the classic Italian coffee recipes in the frantic atmosphere that is so common in the Italian bar!

The period of study in Espresso Academy will give you the knowledge and the skills to manage, at the bar counter, espresso, cappuccino, marocchino, caffè shakerato and the other classic Italian preparation, as well as the capability to set grinders, machines, to foam the milk properly and so on.
But the barista work is made also of capability to interact with the clients, this is why also a little bit of Italian language is needed and this is why we have created the collaboration with the school scuola-toscana.it, in order to give you everything you need for a truly formative experience!
The program proposed by Espresso Academy is the following:
Participation to the desired coffee course, possibility to get the Italian Barista Method certification, based on the Italian barista approach.
Participation to a small course of Italian language, to allow yourself to interact with the clients. Part of the course is also dedicated to the “Italian for barista” with technical and gergal terms.
Internship of three months in Italian coffee shops. The duties and the timetable of this stage are agreed, and depend on the student's request and abilities, the needs and availability of the company, the degree of knowledge of the Italian achieved.
During the internship you be covered by insurance and in line with the requests of the Italian law, and we will side you in this adventure!
For info contact us at info@espressoacademy.it