Coffee Sensory Online

Many will read about this course and ask themselves: but if I can't taste coffee in the classroom, what can I learn from an online Sensory and coffee tasting course?


A lot, for instance...

  • The concept of taste, aroma and, above all flavor
  • The use of the coffee Flavour wheel, the aroma detection system developed by SCA and CQI
  • The division into enzymatic, sugar browning and dry distillation aromas
  • How to use and fill in a coffee tasting sheet according to SCAA parameters
  • How to organize and manage a Brazilian cupping or tasting



This course can give possible access to two international certifications, both widespread and recognized in the world: IBC and SCA

In both cases, once you have finished watching the video course, you can start the certification procedure. The theoretical exam will be sent directly from the association (not from Espresso Academy), followed by a live session with the trainer which will also include the practical exam.

  • For IBC this course gives access to the Roast and Cup basic level exam and to the relative stamp in the passport "coffee specialist" the total cost of the procedure is €40

  • For SCA this course gives access to the Sensory Foundation exam and costs €138



  • 6 hours of course
  • 10 chapters
  • Watch it with no limits, when you want, how you want, forever
  • Manual and slides used during the course
  • Flavor coffee wheel for roasting
  • Coffee flavor wheel
  • Cupping tasting cards for specialty SCAA
  • IBM recognized final certificate
  • Possibility of free classroom training
  • Free calls with the trainer

Special offer Growing Barista

In this complicated period we receive many requests for online courses from guys and from countries where few Euros make a huge difference.
We want to support them!

In this period we offer a 20% discount on all video courses!

Do you want a complete training?

This course is also included in the "Roaster" online course package which includes the online courses: 

All three courses in one package, with unlimited viewing and discount of 30% from 377€ to 262€!



Are you interested in this course?



Coffee Cupping and Tasting online course program:

  • The purpose of coffee tasting. The organs of the senses involved in coffee tasting: eyes, nose, mouth.
  • The phases of coffee tasting: visual, olfactory, gustatory, tactile and aftertaste.
  • Acidity, bitterness, sweetness, body, flavor: the use of professional terminology.
  • The SCA Flavor Wheel and the division into Enzymatic, Sugar Browning and Dry Distillation
  • What is cupping, the professional coffee tasting system.
  • The concept of coffee specialty (above 80 points) and Cup of excellence (above 90)
  • The SCA Coffee Value Assessment
  • The practical management of cupping
  • The tasting of espresso coffee, the espresso tasting sheet, the role of sugar

Coffee Cupping and Tasting online Course

Directly from home, no needing journeys, bureaucracy and costs. Even in this way is possible to learn solid foundations for your green coffee knowledge with the online course of Espresso Academy.

The course is the starting point of the   fascinating world of professional coffee tasting. She first step for who want to become a coffee sommelier, a professional taster, maybe even aiming a Q-grader career.

It's a journey that begin learning about our sensory organs and recognizing the feelings that they send to us.

So you learn to smell and recognize, with a selection of aromas, the sensations that the different varieties of coffee bring to our nose.

Then is the time of taste, to recognize and evaluate technically (with different water-solution) bitter, acidic, body, aromatic and other sensations that coffee can give us.

Even in a theoretical course, the use of the SCAA coffee wheel will allow us to get the best from this course.

The online version offers several added values...

  • Very easy to access: you have simply to connect to the link we send you and everything is done!
  • Super-complete theoretical part, with screen sharing of slides, photos and graphic with the trainer
  • No problem for the practical part. We use two mobile cameras during the course, so you can follow every detail.
  • Possibility to private free sessions with the trainer to evaluate together your project 
  • Manuals included in the price sent at the end of the course

Coffee Cupping and Tasting video course

Do you can't take a day off from work, your pace doesn't allow you to find a day to follow the online coffee course? No problem, the Espresso Academy trainers have prepared a Sensory coffee video course for you: same content as the online course, but to watch whenever you want, maybe in the evening or on your free day.

Do you still want a comparison with the trainer ? No problem, included in the price of the video course there is the possibility of organizing a meeting with the trainer to clarify all doubts always without leaving your home.


Our trainers...


Marco Cremonese

One of the most known italian coffee and roasting experts. Marco has a large portfolio of consultancies for famous coffee roasting companies and is an official SCA trainer for coffee roasting, tasting and green coffee. He´s also frequently been chosen by the World Barista Championship to roast the coffees for the competitions.

Robert Brinck

With an Hipster beard, Dutch and very very fond about coffee (for a lot of time he has roasted his beans at home, in a frying pan!). How could we let him run away? Robert is the landmark of the group for the English courses, and is also the trainer of the courses for technicians … With the screwdriver is a master!

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