A full immersion course from zero to professional level
A complete package, from zero to professional level
to open a roastery or a micro roastery.
In three very busy, full immersion days, all the most important concepts about coffee roasting: from green coffee knowledge to the choosing of the best roasting machine for your project, from the use of roasting profiles softwares to tasting with cupping methods.
The course is completed by an important practical section at the roasting machine and additional sections about the management of the roasting company, the market segments and the regulations for opening a roastery or a micro roastery.
In three days the student will meet various trainers specialized in various fields (and the very hipster Robert Brink, SCA authorized trainer) who will give you all the tools for your project!
Are you interested in the course?
Program of the course - Roasting Pro Package
from 10am to 1pm
> How to choose the roasting machine?
> Physical and chemical elements of roasting: different temperatures for different coffees, first and second crack, degradation of acids and variation of caffeine in roasting.
> Roasting method: Conduction, convection and radiation.
> Coffee cooling and degassing
Lunch break
from 2pm to 6pm
> The concept of profile and roasting curve
> Practical part: we roast together four batches at different degrees in order to analyse the difference
> The most classic mistakes in coffee roasting
> Professional cupping and tasting of roasted coffe using the previously roasted coffees
from 10am to 1pm
> The use of the sampler roaster
Lunch break
dalle 14 alle 18
> Practical roasting exercises managing (lengthening, shortening, modifying) the various phases with the software
> Practical exercises: Introduction and exercises of cupping
> Roasting defects: scorching, tipping, baking etc… how to recognize them in cupping
> Blending: creating our blend targeting our taste or the taste of our customers.
> The regulations to open a roasting company or plant
dalle 10 alle 13
> Roasted coffee measurement with colorimetric systems
Lunch break
dalle 14 alle 18
> Design the packaging according to the market and trends
> Practical roasting exercises with high or low quality/defective coffee
> Blind cupping tasting: the same coffee roasted at various levels and with different profiles
> Blind tasting in cupping: knowing how to recognize roasting defects
> Questions, greetings and diplomas at the end of the course, it was a great marathon !!