All SCA coffee courses at Espresso Academy

The trainers at Espresso Academy are AST (Authorized SCA Trainers), authorized to conduct courses and exams for the Specialty Coffee Association. That's also why Espresso Academy offers SCA courses and their respective certifications at every level and in every area.

SCA is the most important association for certifying knowledge in the coffee world. If you want to delve deeper into what SCA is and how it works, take a look at this page.

Every month, Espresso Academy organizes courses aimed at preparing individuals for SCA exams. If you're interested in participating, read below to learn how it works!


Taking part in an SCA Course at Espresso Academy

A Specialty Coffee Association (SCA) course is conducted by an authorized trainer following a standardized training protocol that remains consistent worldwide. This protocol includes both theoretical and practical components, assessments, and in-depth exploration of various coffee-related topics covered in the curriculum.

At the end of the course, the student can opt to take the SCA certification exam, which requires following a specific procedure outlined at the bottom of this page.

An SCA Foundation-level course and certification can also be conducted online, following a specific procedure.


Courses and SCA exams are divided into three levels

Become a SCA Trainer, become an AST

Is your goal to become an AST, an authorized SCA trainer? Espresso Academy can assist you in passing all the necessary exams and becoming a top-notch coffee trainer.

Contact us to assess together the right training path for your area of specialization.

How to take part in SCA exams

Taking part in the SCA exams requires some steps. Those steps can be different in case of participation in the Foundation exams or in the Intermediate or Professional exams or, again, in the Introduction to Coffee exam.

  1. Before the course/exam it is necessary for the student to be registered on the site
  2. Once the student, after the foundation course, wants to enroll in the SCA exam, he has to communicate us the Email address he used to register on the SCA website. The payment of 70€ is requested for the first tranche of the payment at the same time.
  3. The student receives  from SCA the invitation for the exam. He accepts it
  4. The student pays (receiving the invoice directly to SCA) the second tranche (50€) 
  5. The student receives the link to take the exam via email from SCA itself. The exam consists of a quiz of about twenty multiple choice questions, to be answered in about twenty minutes. To pass the exam, at least 60% of the questions must be answered correctly in a Foundation exam, the 70% in an intermediate one and the 80% in professional.
  6. After successfully completing the SCA exam, the student will be sent an email with the result and then another Email, from which it will be possible to download the diploma.

* If you have previous work and study experiences it is possible to go directly to the Intermediate level without taking part in the Foundation level. You can take part in the Professional exam three months after taking the intermediate.


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