A New International Coffee Route in Espresso Academy!
18 October 2017
Espresso Academy in Riyadh KSA for “Coffee & Chocolate International Exibition”
1 December 2017Some pictures from our last International Coffee Route

Here are some pictures of the last Coffee Route, this time we started with Helena Oliviero who taught us a lot on how to improve our extractions during the brewing course, we’ve covered all the main methods of extraction, parameters like water quality and temperature, brew ratio, grind setting, contact time, turbulence and so on…. We also learned how to use a refractometer to have more information on how the extraction went, but don’t forget it’s all about the taste!!!
The second morning we talked a lot about the whole coffee production chain from plantation to barista so we’d get an idea of how many people are really involved in the preparation of our favourite beverage! Then it was time to talk about espresso and all the italian coffee preparations. The third day we kept practicing on the espresso machine and had the chance to taste some interesting coffees from different parts of the world.
The final two days where a lot more technical, with Marco Cremonese we learned to use our senses to evaluate a cup of coffee professionally, recognizing aromas and describing levels of acidity and bitterness are really the base for a coffee grader and of course for a roaster. During the roasting course, the day after, we understood how extremely delicate and complicated the roasting process is, how the same green bean can give many different cups of coffee just by adjusting the way we provide energy to it. The day ended with a quick tasting of our freshly roasted coffees, this time one of them was actually not bad at all !!! 🙂
We hope you all had a lot of fun and learned more than you hoped, some of you came from very far like Thailand, Canada, Saudi Arabia, Holland, Switzerland, Turkey, Greece, Vietnam, Brazil but you’re always welcome for a cup of coffee, see you soon!!!