Professional SCA Barista Skills

The Professional Barista Skills Course takes place, as per SCA protocol, in three intense days of training and above all practical tests. The goal is in fact to reach an all-round professional level, able to communicate with the trainer and to know in depth every step of the supply chain, from the plant to the final cup. A professional, a coffee chef with a very high level approach

Passing the SCA Professional exam allows you to get 25 points for the SCA Coffee Skills Program diploma.

Sei interessato al corso?



This Professional course is structured not so much as a trainer> student training process, but as a real path of exchange and experience.

Starting with a coffee proposed by the trainer and one brought by the student, we proceed to various extractions, changes to the setting, measurements with the refractometer and discussions, until the perfect cup is found.

We work on the extraction temperature and mineral contents of the water. Also we vary the machine pressures with different profiles of pre-infusion and extraction

We work on different types of water filters understanding how they affect the result in the cup.

We work on the management aspects: the layout of the counter, order management and food cost

Latte art at a high level!

Ability to perform water hardness measurements and to perform equipment maintenance work (burrs replacing, change of seals and showers and so on…)

* SCA suggests that you have already taken the SCA Sensory Intermediate level to take this exam. It is also required to have taken part in the Barista Skills intermediate level at least three months before.


SCA certification

At the end of this course it is possible to take part to the SCA Barista Professional level certification. Anyone wishing to take part in the certification exams are asked to report it to us when registering for the course. In our school you can also book Barista Intermediate and Professional certifications. For more info on SCA certifications, consult this page.


Barista skills Professional SCA

Gabriele Cortopassi

After many years of experience he´s assisted and done consultancies for many bars and restaurants in Italy and abroad. Gabriele is also the founder of, which is one of the most followed blogs for bars and restaurants and the the title of his book (Hoepli editions). He´s an official SCA Trainer and also teaches the Bar Management course.
Barista skills Professional SCA

Ilaria Nocentini

Ilaria is a great barista, passionate about specialty coffees and arrived 2nd at the Italian Aeropress Championship. She´s a trainer for all the coffee barista and brewing courses.

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